Клуб „Приятели на Индия”,
специалност Индология в СУ и
Посолството на Р Индия в България
Ви канят най-учтиво на беседата
Аюрведа - древното знание за дълголетието.
Основни принципи и лечебни подходи
от д-р Антоанета Заркова
25 февруари 2015 г., сряда, 18.30 ч., в Конферентната зала на Ректората
на Софийския университет, северно крило, бул. „Цар Освободител” № 15
The Friends of India Club,
The Indology Department of Sofia University and
The Embassy of the Republic of India
have the pleasure of inviting you to a lecture of
Dr. Antoaneta Zarkova, MD
on the subject
Ayurveda – the Ancient Knowledge of Longevity. Main Principles and
Practices for Treatment
February 25th, 2015, Wednesday, 6.30 p.m. at the Conference Hall of the
University of Sofia, main building, 15 “Tsar Osvoboditel” Blvd.
The Friends of India Club,
The Indology Department of Sofia University and
The Embassy of the Republic of India
have the pleasure of inviting you to a lecture of
Dr. Antoaneta Zarkova, MD
on the subject
Ayurveda – the Ancient Knowledge of Longevity. Main Principles and
Practices for Treatment
February 25th, 2015, Wednesday, 6.30 p.m. at the Conference Hall of the
University of Sofia, main building, 15 “Tsar Osvoboditel” Blvd.