Dr. Antoaneta Zarkova
(I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mariela Kondova for the technical help)
Twenty years ago we thought that the pineal gland in a mature individual was a rudimentary organ
without any significant importance - an organ that has completed its function, which was also quite
During the last years our interest towards this gland increased immensely. Many research teams are
now working on various projects related to it. There is also a scientific journal dedicated only to the
pineal gland: Journal of Pineal Research, which publishes enormous scientific information on the
From an organ that was completely disregarded, now the pineal gland is though to be the main
conductor of our life. Through the production of melatonin, it’s the main regulator of the
endocrine and immune systems, growth, puberty, procreation, regeneration, aging and many
others. Melatonin is the main instrument of all the processes that take place in the brain during
meditation. Its concentration doubles during periods of deep relaxation and meditation.
In the less developed animals the pineal gland is situated close to the surface, under the
cranial vault and has photosensitive cells. Because of that it is called the third eye.
In humans it is situated deep in the brain matter. No photosensitive cells have been
established, but it reacts to light via the information received from the retina through the
branches of the optic nerve and suprachiasmatic nucleus.
In Yoga it is also called the Third eye and most probably this is related to the peculiar visions,
similar to an open eye, that occur when it’s activated – due to the fact that we gain access to
information that is not usually available to the consciousness, as well as the fact that
“enlightment” happens through the pineal gland.
Visions during meditation:
The pineal gland is situated in the geometrical center of the human brain. It resembles the
shape of a pine cone, 5-8 mm large.
It’s formed by the neural tube during the second month of the fetal development. It reaches its
full development by the age of four and its hormonal activity increases until the age of 6
After this the gland reduces its size and function and atrophy takes place.
In a mature individual the pineal gland contains calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate in
the form of “sand”, the so called CORPORA ARENACEA, or acervuli, in concentric circles.
This “sand” is not linked to any disease condition. It manifests during childhood years and
continues to accumulate both in size and numbers throughout life. A calcified pineal gland is
seen in 80% of the individuals above 30 years of age.
It has been established that the pineal gland is the place where the neuropeptide melatonin is
Melatonin is widely spread amongst animals and plants. It can be found in human milk,
bananas, root crops, cucumbers and tomatoes (1).
It is also produced in other tissues, in the gastrointestinal tract (2).
Melatonin chemically represents N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine and is a derivate of
serotonin, which in itself is a derivate of tryptophan.
The enzymes necessary for its synthesis are activated by darkness and suppressed by light. Its
secretion follows the circadian rhythm that is created by nucleus suprаhyasmsticus in
response to light alterations.
Through the changes in the levels of melatonin the pineal gland works as an internal clock,
governing the natural rhythm of all physiological functions. It seams that it’s the main
controller of key processes such as sleep, sexual maturity, antitumor immunity, bone density,
aging and many others.
EFFECTS OF MELATONIN UPON THE BODY Melatonin counteracts the main stress hormone – adrenalin.
If the pineal gland is removed or inactivated this would lead to hypertrophy of the adrenal
glands, where adrenaline is produced. Melatonin not only lowers this effect, but it also
initiates hypotrophy of the adrenal glands (decrease) (3) (4).
Melatonin acts as a powerful anti-stress agent (5).
It has an immense significance in slowing down the process of aging, which is related to the
high levels of cortisol. The low function of the immune system that is seen in cancer diseases
is related to the low levels of melatonin (6) (7).
Patients with AIDS, who take 20 mg of melatonin every evening, show a positive influence
upon the immune system. (8). It is recommended that the therapy is applied for 3 to 4 weeks
and then it’s followed by a 1 week pause, the so called “washout” period (9).
When melatonin was applied either as a prophylactic means or medical treatment in an
experimentally induced arthritis, this lead to a reduced inflammation process as a result of the
increased thymocyte proliferation and the increased production of IL-2 (10).
Melatonin has a fortifying effect both on the humoral and cellular immunity (11).
GLAND. The pineal gland is not protected from the blood-brain barrier and has a high level of blood
perfusion, ranking second after the kidneys. It has extremely high levels of fluoride, much
higher than the level found in the bones of people suffering from skeletal fluorosis, where we
have pathological accumulation of fluoride in the bones. The production of melatonin in
animals treated with large amounts of fluoride is reduced (12).
It is thought that the low frequency electromagnetic fields have an influence upon the
function of the pineal gland. A research performed on people using electrical blankets
measured the level of 6-OHMS in the urine (6-OHMS is a metabolite of melatonin). In
people, using electrical heaters that create a strong magnetic field, a considerable dynamic in
the level of 6-OHMS has been measured (13).
Humans, exposed to a magnetic field of 16.7 Hz have a changed level of excretion of 6-OHMS (14).
The effect of a magnetic field with a 16.7 Hz frequency has been monitor in a study
comprising of 108 railway employees, working under transmission lines. Their level of
excretion of 6-OHMS was observed and a significant difference was noticed between working
days and weekends (15).
The pineal gland reduces the secretion of melatonin under the influence of weak
electromagnetic fields, which most probably can lead to long term effects upon the human
health (16).
It seams that the pineal gland recognizes the electromagnetic fields as light and this
leads to a reduced production of melatonin.
It has been documented that the pineal gland is influenced by all types of magnetic fields,
including geomagnetic fields and fields occurring during sun eruptions.
The chemical formula of melatonin is available and it is synthesized by many pharmaceutical
companies and sold as food supplement in pharmacies.
This availability allows scientists to investigate its effect in a number of experimental
BODY It is assumed that the steady increase in the frequency of cancer diseases in the developed
countries during the past 100 years is related to the constant extension of the active part of the
day with artificial light. The long periods of light suppress the secretion of melatonin and the
duration of the dark period of the night is artificially reduced (17).
Melatonin suppresses the growth of chemically induced tumors in animals. They develop
faster when the activity of the pineal gland is lowered by light or the gland has been surgically
removed (18).
The intake of melatonin reduces and the removal of the pineal gland stimulates the growth
and metastases of experimental malignant tumors in the lungs, liver, ovaries, pituitary and
prostate glands, malignant melanoma and leukemia in animals (19).
There are clinical observations suggesting the role of melatonin in the prevention and even
treatment of breast carcinoma (20). The night melatonin amplitude has been reduced by more
than 50 per cent in patients suffering from breast carcinoma.
Extensive epidemiological studies conducted upon a large group of people working in shifts
show an increased rate of colon and breast carcinoma in this group.
The disturbance of the day-night rhythm causes de-synchronization on a molecular level
of the circadian rhythm of the central nervous system as well as in the majority of the
peripheral tissues. Changes are observed in the synchronization of the coordinating
centers with a temporary lost of control the main regulator, nucleus suprahyasmaticus,
situated in the hypothalamus (21).
The melatonin suppresses the estrogen receptors and thus reduces the carcinoma’s growth,
which is stimulated by estrogen. It compliments the onkostatic effect of anti-estrogen products
such as tamoxifen. Melatonin is a natural anti-estrogen (22).
Melatonin has a special role in both prostrate and colon cancer. The night peak in the
production of melatonin is reduced by two-thirds in patients suffering from prostrate
carcinoma (23).
The injection of melatonin stimulates the tumor’s growth if it is done in the morning, has no
effect if it is done after lunch and reduces the growth of the tumor if it is done in the evening
The intake of 15-20 mg melatonin every day around 20 o’clock potentiates the curative effect
of immunotherapy with IL-2 in lung metastasis (26).
The level of night melatonin is low in patients with colon or rectum carcinoma (27).
There is an opinion, that melatonin has to be applied in the earliest stages of cancer, together
with standard therapy (28).
Greater researches are necessary though, in order to accept melatonin as an anti-cancer drug.
The level of night melatonin is low in patients suffering from depression and panic attacks
More important than the low melatonin levels is the amplitude of the circadian rhythm, which
is reduced in patients with depression and returns to normal when the patients recover (31).
The role of the endogenous melatonin in disturbances of the day and night rhythm and sleep
disorders is well known. Some researches show that melatonin could be effective in the
treatment of fibro-cystic mastopathy and Alzheimer’s disease.
The antioxidant potential of melatonin could be helpful in conditions, where the oxidative
stress underlies a disease. The multifaceted action of melatonin suggests a wide range of its
use for treatment, prevention and slowing down the process of aging (32).
The intake of melatonin between 10 and 12 o’clock at night reduces the symptoms of
travelling across time zones. The disturbance of the biological rhythm can be corrected by its
intake (33) (34) (35).
The effect of the pineal gland upon bone density has been examined in a study conducted on
animals. Six months after the pineal gland was removed a decrease of 13% in bone density
was observed. In animals in which both the pineal gland and ovaries were removed a decrease
of 21.5% of bone density was observed. (36)
The quality of sleep in elderly people declines as well, due to a reduced ability of the pineal
gland to produce melatonin. Its concentration during the night is low in cases of insomnia.
The intake of melatonin has successfully been used to treat cases of insomnia connected to a
late bed time at around 2-3 a.m. in the night (37).
A very important endocrine rhythm that can be disturbed by an improper intake of melatonin
at the wrong time (most probably by meditating at the wrong time as well) is the circadian
rhythm of cortisol secretion. We have high levels of cortisol during the morning and
throughout the day and they decrease during the night (38)(39).
The beta-adrenergic blockers, which are being prescribed to many people as part of the
treatment for high blood pressure and heart diseases, lower the production of melatonin and
suppress the immune system, but only if they are taken at night when the level of melatonin is
naturally high (40)(41).
There are discussions if the suppression of cortisol by melatonin is beneficial in autoimmune
diseases, in which cortisol is taken to suppress the immunity. Science though, has established
that melatonin’s effect upon immunity is complex and depends on many factors such as the
time of day, season, patient’s age, gender, pineal gland condition, presence or absence of
stress (42).
Melatonin reactivates the thymus, which regresses with age. It prevents the apoptosis
(programmed cell death) of the thymus cells (43.)
The thymus is the organ in which an education of the immunity in immune tolerance towards
our own tissues takes place. This could be very important in autoimmune diseases.
The antioxidant properties of melatonin have been described long ago. They are due to the
increased production of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and glutathione
peroxidase (44).
The neuroprotective effect of melatonin on the nervous system has been proven: spinal cord,
optic nerve, brain and the strongest effect upon the white matter in the spinal cord (45).
The levels of melatonin in human beings decrease with age (46). The peak of melatonin
secretion during the night is lost (47). Due to the reciprocal relationship between melatonin
and cortisol, the reduction of melatonin is a likely reason for the vanishing of its inhibitory
effect and the activation of the adrenals, which characterizes aging. The night levels of the
corticoids are low in young people and highly increased in elderly people (48). The influence
of melatonin upon the corticoid levels explains its youthful effect.
The pineal gland, by producing melatonin, acts as a “calming organ” which establishes
The pineal gland can be reactivated through meditation, yoga and other esoteric and occult
practices. This allows us to enter in other states of consciousness, to experience happiness
without any reason, to have the feeling of warm and loving presence, to feel closeness and
unity with nature and all living beings, to have a glimpse of other dimensions, to receive
knowledge and gain access to higher wisdom.
With the help of a functional MRI has been established an activation of the pineal gland
during a Traditional Chinese Sitting Meditation In Silence. The level of melatonin in the
salvia of 20 people practicing meditation has been examined. The levels were significantly
higher in people who meditate compared to the levels in people who do not meditate (50).
The urine excretion of a particular melatonin metabolite is increased after meditation. The
effect is established in all participants. THE INCREASE IS HIGHER THEN THE
In skillful meditators a significantly higher levels of night melatonin have been established
after meditation (52).
The role of the pineal gland in the process of spiritual realization has been known long ago.
A giant pinecone statue at the heart of the Vatican – The Pinecone Plaza.

The Pope’s Sceptre.
A Hindu temple, Anchor Bat, Cambodia.
Ritual items from Egypt.
(Many more pictures can be found on the Internet:
Studies, conducted on animals, show that melatonin suppresses the reproductive organs and
could cause a delay in the onset of puberty (53).
Chronic intake of low doses of melatonin, 2 mg taken at 5 o’clock for a period of 1 month, do
not cause a change in the blood levels of testosterone in men (54).
In this study 2 mg of melatonin was taken daily at 5 o’clock by six clinically healthy man for
a period of 1 month. This did not influence the reproductive hormones, including the level of
testosterone. We have to keep in mind that the dose was small, it was taken early evening and
the natural circadian rhythm was not disturbed.
Experimental studies show that melatonin lowers the flexibility of spermatozoids (55).
Melatonin is also being developed as a contraceptive (56). This poses a question if melatonin
is harmful to the reproductive system. No side effects have been established in a study
conducted with 1400 women, who took 75 mg of melatonin each night for a period of 4 years.
The intake was during the evening, which probably maintains the circadian rhythm and allows
the levels to drop during the day.
The intravenous infusion of melatonin in laboratory animals for a period of 4 hours DURING
THE NIGHT does not cause any effect upon the reproductive functions. A daily 10-hour
infusion of melatonin causes atrophy of the gonads. A 10-hour infusion on a 28 hours period
and more does not affect the gonads compared to a 24 hours period. (57)
The effect of melatonin free periods is emphasized. The degree of gonad atrophy increases
progressively by shortening the periods without melatonin.
The Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) is a neuropeptide that suppresses the
production and release of gonadotropin. It influences the pituitary and the hypothalamus by
suppressing the development and upkeep of the gonads. The neurons that produce GnIH have
receptors for melatonin and it stimulates their function and production. In this way, it seems
that melatonin is the main factor controlling the development of the gonads (53).
In this study the melatonin, in relation to the applied dose, increases the production of GnIH
by the hypothalamus in laboratory animals. The release of GnIH is cyclic and is governed by
It is essential to keep in mind the natural rhythm in the concentrations of melatonin, which
calms the nervous system, and the rhythm of cortisol, which acts as a major stress hormone.
Circadian rhythm of melatonin (58)
Circadian rhythm of cortisol (58)

The opposite rhythm in the secretion of both hormones is obvious. As we already said,
melatonin suppresses and reduces the secretion of cortisol.
It is essential to be aware of this relationship in our meditation practice. In this way we can
choose the optimal time throughout the day for our meditation practice, a time when the levels
of melatonin are naturally high and the levels of cortisol are naturally low. The most suitable
time is the hours between 04:00 and 06:00 in the morning and around eight o’clock in the
evening. The time between 22:00 and 24:00 is very precious for sleep and recovery.
Some schools recommend meditation between 1:30 and 3:00 in the night. This is a very
“strong” time for meditation from the point of view of melatonin and cortisol levels. We must
assess its price, though: the disturbance of sleep and the resulting consequences to the body.
By going deeper into the meditative practices their duration increases progressively. The
effects on the consciousness and body become long lasting and extend far beyond the length
of the practice itself. It is possible that the meditative condition continues throughout the
whole day. Then the hormonal rhythm is inevitably disrupted and the level of GTRH
(Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which stimulates the development of the reproductive
organs) substantially decreases with all the consequences resulting from that: reduced libido,
lesser flexibility of the spermatozoids and lower number, cessation of the ovulation, atrophy
of the reproductive organs.
After terminating the practices probably this effect changes and the reproductive function is
restored, but to what extend we don’t know.
Probably the biological reason for the suppression of the reproductive organs by melatonin is
related to the seasonal rhythm connected to mating found in many animal species. In order to
survive, it is important that the new generation is born during the warm months of the year.
With the increased daytime duration the production of melatonin becomes lower, the
development of the reproductive organs is unlocked and they become capable of reproduction.
Suppressing the reproductive organs does not influence the ability of having an erection and
engaging in a sexual act. These processes even increase, especially from certain meditation
practices aiming at awakening Kundalini shakti.
Everyone has to make their choice, before going deeper into relaxation and meditation
As they say in the East, there is an appropriate time for everything in our life. They divide the
human life into four periods:
1. Childhood and growing up
2. Education
3. Having family and kids
4. Rendering oneself to spiritual practices
There are young people all around the world, who live a spiritual life from a young age and
even childhood, following the path of monastic life and recluse.
In our contemporary society with active use of artificial light we can see the opposite effect:
an early inactivation of the pineal gland, premature sexual development, a sexually oriented
society and at the same time a disturbed immunity (anti-tumor including) and a high
frequency of cancer diseases.
Here is an attempt to summarize the main points so far:
1. Reduce the intake of fluoride.
2. Reduce the electromagnetic fields in our house.
3. Go to bed early.
4. Go deeper into meditation practices after reproducing ourselves. Till then it’s better to
stress on our hatha yoga practice in order to prepare our body and consciousness for
higher inner practices.
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